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HR Services in Ottawa And The National Capital Region

We’re a team of experienced, senior-level HR professionals who help organizations navigate complex challenges, reduce risks, and improve employee engagement.

Elite athletes don’t succeed alone. They have expert teams behind them that specialize in the minute details of their craft. Our experienced HR professionals act as that team for your business, ensuring your organization is set up to deliver maximum impact.

We support businesses across the National Capital Region including Ottawa, Kanata, Orleans, Barrhaven, Kemptville, and surrounding areas. We’re proud members of both the Ottawa Board of Trade, the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce, and the Ottawa Executives’ Association. We’re committed to giving back to our community and helping local businesses thrive.

Start by viewing our programs below or contact us to get started.

Workplace Investigations and Assessments

When your Ottawa-based business needs an outside perspective on an emerging HR issue or complaint, we’re here to partner with you to get to the truth. Our team is experienced and certified in conducting workplace investigations and assessments that bring clarity to complex situations, ultimately protecting your organization while improving employee morale. 

The iHR Difference

There can be a lot of uncertainty when you’re a senior executive guiding an organization through significant change. With us, you don’t have to walk through that uncertainty alone. We’re your “phone a friend” whenever you have an HR challenge or want to talk about a situation you’re facing and a potential path forward. No need to guess the right course of action; call us, and you’ll get the right advice in real-time.


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