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Personalized Coaching For People Who Are Responsible For HR Matters

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 

We partner with people who are responsible for HR matters to help them achieve more than they could on their own. Our personalized coaching programs help bring out undiscovered strengths and areas for improvement, resulting in teams and individuals ready to tackle the many challenges in the workplace.

Watch the video below of our CEO and Founder, Karen Brownrigg, describe this program and hear testimonial from a current client!

Seminar for women

Who It’s For

Our coaching programs help everyone from people-leaders to up-and-coming HR professionals develop the skills they need to become a stronger people leader. Specifically, coaching can support people who are:

  • New to the HR profession
  • Solo HR professionals who don’t have a team to bounce things off of
  • Aspiring leaders who want to develop their people management skills to take their career to the next level
  • Leaders who are looking for new approaches and strategies to connect with their teams


We’re available to help with a wide range of challenges and opportunities, including (but not limited to): 

  • Managing remote vs hybrid vs in-person teams
  • Reskilling and upskilling
  • Employee and team conflict
  • Managing up
  • Building culture
  • Focusing on outcomes (productivity vs activity)
  • Managing multiple generations at work
  • Employee retention
  • Managing diversity

…and more!

What You Get

Coaching clients will participate in a one-hour coaching session twice per month. In these sessions, your coach will work with you to establish goals and build and execute a plan to achieve those goals. Whether you’re navigating employee turnover, disputes in the workplace, or constructing the right teams, these sessions are a great opportunity to dig into challenging circumstances or reason through the tangible steps you can take ahead of your next session.

There is deep value in one-on-one coaching. We offer a level of personalized focus that will provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Establishing Goals: Establishing goals is essential to professional development, and we can help with that. With 1-on-1 coaching, we can craft targets that are specific to you, your career path, and your organization’s needs.
  • Better Engagement: By working directly with one of our coaches, you receive a fully engaged and personalized experience. Individuals who have used our services have enjoyed outstanding success in their careers and are more prepared to handle obstacles.
  • Deeper Learning: One-on-one coaching allows you to ask questions and enjoy a back-and-forth with our coaches. You can explore a wide-variety of topics, from people management strategies to navigating conflict, in-depth with your coach. We use your unique perspective to build a knowledge base you can use for years.
  • Enhanced Support: Individualized coaching means more support as the program moves along. Our greatest asset is our ability to build relationships with emerging talent and people-leaders to provide impactful and evolving learning experiences.

How It Works

The first step is to contact us to share more about yourself and the unique challenges or opportunities you’re facing. Once we know the details of your story we will match you with the right coach to help you reach your goals. 

Your coach will be guided by our three most closely-held principles: focus, patience, and resilience. Whether you are a people-leader looking to enhance your skill set or a junior professional searching for the basic skills needed to succeed, you can count on impartial, professional coaching. We’ll design a program for your needs and begin our work.

The iHR Difference

No more tossing and turning at night wondering if you’re managing a situation correctly or have seen the full picture. Our team brings decades of experience across different industries and contexts, and uses that experience to provide thought-provoking questions and quality advice to our coaching clients.

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Our Testimonials

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