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Certified Executive Coaching For Growth-Minded Leaders

Elite athletes have support teams around them to ensure they’re performing at their best. We’re the support team that brings deep experience and insights so that high-ranking executives can reach their potential and deliver maximum impact.

Seminar for women

Who It’s For

This program is for executive-level employees or strategic leaders who understand the need to continually evolve and lead by example. Executive Coaching can help drive outstanding personal and organization-wide results when forward-thinking executives engage with the same tenacity and enthusiasm they bring to their work every day.

Whether you are looking to unleash creativity and innovation in your work or overcome personal barriers to success, you will succeed in this program if you are a highly engaged, curious, and action-oriented leader.

What You Get

Our Certified Executive Coaches are business owners located across Canada who understand what it’s like to face business decisions and challenges.

Each member of our coaching team brings a specialized skill set to help leaders uncover hidden strengths, cultivate self-awareness, breakthrough negative patterns, and collaborate more effectively.

Meet Our Executive Coaches

Karen Brownrigg, CHRL, CEC
Founder & CEO

Karen is an accomplished certified human resources leader, certified executive coach, and business strategist with more than two decades of experience leading transformational, security-sensitive, and crisis management issues and initiatives.

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Lysa Appleton
Executive Coach

Based in Halifax, NS, Lysa is a seasoned career practitioner and leadership consultant who has been working in the field of coaching and consulting since 2006. Her working style is warm and intimate yet effective and strategic in supporting people through their career transition, career management and re-employment.

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Martin Castellani, CEC
Senior Executive Coach, Conflict Coach & Human Resources Specialist

Based in Victoria, B.C., Martin joined iHR Advisory Services™ as a Senior Executive Coach, Conflict Resolution Coach, and Human Resources Specialist after a 21-year career in the Royal Canadian Navy.

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How It Works

Executive coaching is offered in a confidential space so that you can feel free to seek clarity, awareness, and overcome personal challenges.

A Certified Executive Coach uses questions to challenge you to examine standard thinking and uncover new perspectives. These new perspectives will drive actions that can increase your performance and produce extraordinary results.




of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence.


benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.


of companies report that they recouped their investment in coaching and more.

The iHR Difference

Just like athletes, high-ranking executives reach their highest levels of performance when they have an experienced, qualified, and invested coach in their corner whom they trust. As your coach, we will get to know you, challenge you, motivate you, question you, and celebrate victories with you. Your coach is always in your corner.

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Ready to Make a Change?

Take your performance and your team’s results to the next level.