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Welcome to
iHR Advisory

Experienced HR partners who will protect your organization,

improve the employee experience, and deliver results.


Serving Ottawa and the greater Toronto area.

Steady Is Our Pace! Ready Wins the Race!

iHR Advisory Services™

When it comes to HR services, getting it right is critical. Missteps can be costly and expose your company to significant liability. That’s why you need an experienced HR partner who has been there, done that.  We’re more than HR consultants; we’re true partners that offer support based on our experience and in-depth knowledge of your unique business.  

We’re dedicated to our client partners. Other HR companies make you connect with a call centre when you need help. When you work with us, you get a dedicated client lead who becomes an extension of your team, available to provide both long-term and on-demand support. You’ll always be partnering with the same, experienced professional every time you engage with iHR.

Start by viewing our programs below or contact us to get started. 

Award-Winning HR Consulting Firm in Ottawa & GTA

Leading edge companies rely on iHR Advisory Services™ for expert Human Resources advice and executive coaching.

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Proud Member Of

Business Advisory Centre Durham
Whitby Chamber of Commerce
Ottawa Executives Association
North Grenville Chamber of Commerce

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