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HR Services in Toronto & The Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

With iHR Advisory Services, you gain access to an entire team of experienced, senior-level HR professionals.

Elite athletes have support teams around them to ensure they’re performing at their best. We’re the support team that brings deep experience and insights so that leaders responsible for HR matters know their department is performing at its best and delivering maximum impact.

We support businesses across the GTA including the Durham Region, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa, and surrounding areas. We’re proud members of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, the Clarington Board of Trade and the Business Advisory Centre Durham as we feel strongly about giving back to our community and helping local businesses thrive.

Start by viewing our programs below or contact us to get started.

Workplace Investigations and Assessments

HR challenges or complaints can be unpredictable. That’s why we’re structured to react quickly to inquiries from GTA-based organizations who need an outside perspective on HR issues. Our team of experienced, certified HR professionals will efficiently guide your organization through a structured workplace investigation or assessment designed to illuminate the facts and protect the organization and its employees.

The iHR Difference

Your employees are the face of your business. Provide them with best-in-class support so that they can do the same for your customers. With iHR Advisory services you can sleep well at night knowing your business is protected and your employees are equipped to succeed.


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